Repair, Tuning and Spare Parts

Ersatzteile für die FridayBOX

Screws are more sustainable than glue.

The FridayBOX constist of plywood and is assembled with 8 screws. Other than that there are no parts made from metal or plastics. The screws can be tightened and loosened with a T20 or RW20 bit over and over againg.

With the screws it is possible to repair the box and exchange parts. With glued parts that would just be not possible. And that is what makes the FridayBOX even more long-lasting and sustainable!

So easy is a repair – how to exchange a side part

Spare Parts

To be honest the need for spare parts is nearly non existent: with more than 500 boxes that are out there for over a year now we only got a request for one corner block. But whatever you need, just let us know and we will send you a spare part for exchange the broken one. Please contact Michael at


Our foldable boxes are not complicated. With a bit of skills, time and effort everyone could make the side parts with a coping saw. The assembly with 8 screws is a piece of cake; just don’t tighten the screws too much! We have some initial ideas on how to tune the FridayBOX or with which hack to use it for something special. What about you? If you’d like to get an unoiled version of the FridayBOX for your project please let us know at

The FridayBOX used as table and camping stool for a picnic
Three foldable wooden boxes on top of each other in a stack The one in the middle is glazed a darker brown.
Michael sits on a FridayBOX at the beach