Where to buy – get your sturdy folding box here

You can buy our new foldable wooden box, the FridayBOX, from our partners online or on site:

foldable robust stackable wooden box - two FridayBOXes open and folded together

Buy online:

The FridayBOX is available in the Bringsl online store. We are experts at development and manufacturing! Bringsl is an expert in ecommerce – and they do it with charme! In Cologne, the FridayBOX is even delivered by bike.

Logo Menature

You can also order our sturdy folding box from the MeNature online shop . Melanie offers fine, sustainable products for horse and rider from Lake Constance.

Buy on site

You can buy the FridayBOX in the following stores:

  • Cafe Steinblick, Dormagen-Delrath, Johannesstraße 44, 41542 Dormagen, Tel: 0 21 33 – 97 99 93, https://cafe-steinblick.de/
  • ALLES ist GUT! green concept store, Rebecca Schaffrath, Große Bruchstraße 29-31, 41747 Viersen, Tel: 0 21 62 – 102 28 08, https://alles-ist-gut.store/
  • küskens – flowers and more! Dagmar Buchholz, Friedhofsallee 14, 41372 Niederkrüchten, Tel: 0 21 63 – 45 85 9, https://blumen-kueskens.de/
  • Lebenshilfe Rhein-Kreis Neuss gemeinnützige GmbH, Winzerather Straße 19, 41516 Grevenbroich, Tel: 0 21 82 – 17 90, https://www.varius.ws/

You have a store and the FridayBOX is a perfect fit for your range of goods? We look forward to your message: info@friday-box.com

Larger quantities and specialties

You need more than ten boxes, want a specific size or a customized FridayBOX? Please write a short message to: info@friday-box.com We’ll get back to you and send you an offer or get in touch to discuss what is possible.

We can laser, engrave or brand your lettering and logos, depending on the quantity, size and type of your graphic. You can find more details on the individual folding boxpage.

Buy the FridayBOX with your company logo.
Company logo lasered onto the FridayBOX
Company logo branded on the FridayBOX